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Re: Java and trojans: any last words before Netscape 2.0 is out?

  orchard@mda.ca (David Orchard) wrote:
> Agreed.  I find it astounding that so many people are concerned that a single
> e-mail could be cracked in 8 days to retrieve a credit card number, yet almost
> every day people use their credit card number in payment for services.  If 
> somebody wanted to get credit card numbers, it would be easier to root through
> garbage and collect receipts.  Plus the rooter would get a sample of the 
> signature.
    Perhaps that's part of the current problem - the lack of an electronic
    signature system?  Plus, 8 days is a considerable amount of time for a
    single credit card number ... but there are 27648 25-second intervals 
    in that same period of time.

              [ http://www.c2.org/hacknetscape/critique.phtml ]

    Mind you, the 25 second bit should be fixed before NN2.0's release. :^)

    andrew.  (brennan@hal.hahnemann.edu)